Sauce Labs Product Announcements

March 20, 2023

Now Available: Insights for Real Device Data

We are pleased to announce that Real Device data are now included on the Test Overview and Trends pages within the Sauce Labs web UI.

New Features:

  • Test Overview page: 
      • The Test Overview page sections mirror the existing Virtual Cloud data presentation, including the following sections:
          • Test Case Health Snapshot
          • Test Summary
          • Test Breakdown
      • Filtering is available by Owner, Build, OS, Device, Tag, and date range. The past 30 days of RDC test data are now available on this page.
  • Trends page:
      • The Trends page sections mirror the existing Virtual Cloud data presentation, including the following sections:
          • Number of Tests
          • Pass/Fail Rate
          • Number of Errors
          • Build & Test statistics
      • Filtering is available by Owner, Build, OS, Device, Tab, and date range. The past 30 days of RDC test data are now available on this page.
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