Appium 2.0 beta (version 44) is now available on iOS Simulators, as we continue our efforts to provide you coverage for the latest testing frameworks.
Starting with iOS 16, Appium 2.0 will be the required version for testing.
Get a head start by migrating your iOS 15 tests to Appium 2.0 to easily catch any regressions once iOS 16 becomes available on Sauce Labs.
Appium 2.0 beta (version 44) is available for:
To start using the Appium 2.0 beta (version 44), please update your capabilities as follows:
1. Find the appiumVersion key and set the value to 2.0.0-beta44 (If you don't specify an Appium version we will not default you to Appium 2.0).
2. Find the appium:automationName key and set the value to XCUITest.
Happy Testing!
Note: Appium 2.0 has deprecated JWP, which means only tests run with the W3C protocol will work